Families Separated. Jobs Lost. Sky‑High Insurance Rates. Abusive lawsuits hurt everyone.

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Over the last four years 75,000 people left Louisiana, searching for jobs and a better life. Nearly everyone has a family member or friend who has left the state to make a living somewhere else where jobs are more plentiful and the cost of insurance and everyday life is lower. How many more will leave before we wake up to the dangers of lawsuit abuse? If you’re ready to learn how lawsuit abuse hurts us all, get involved.

According to the US Chamber, 85% of Business Leaders Agree Legal Environment Impacts Business Location


Thanks to Lawsuits, We Pay the Second Highest Auto Insurance in the Nation According to Insure.com


The US Chamber Ranks Louisiana 49th in the Nation For Lawsuit Abuse


According to the US Chamber, Aggressive Lawsuits Cost Louisiana Families $4,000 Every Year



The American Tort Reform Foundation Rates Louisiana a Top “Judicial Hellhole” 


The Bureau of Labor Statistics Shows Louisiana Manufacturing Has Declined and Thousands of Jobs Have Disappeared

(Accessed 10/19)

Louisiana Population Change (July 2015 - July 2018)

Source: Net Domestic Population Migration U.S. Census Bureau

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